LaundryLG Twin Tub Top Load Washing Machine 11Kg P1460RWN Blue/White/Grey
Twin Tub Top Load Washing Machine 11Kg P1460RWN Blue/White/Grey
Conventional wash motion where clothes are moved from the bottom of the drum to the top in a large circular motion as it supported normal washability and distribution
Detergents are sunk to the bottom of tub 6 motion effective dissolution of detergent when supplying water move effectively rinsing in the water and exaggerating the movement of clothes
Noise from the falling of wet clothes 6 motion-decreased noise from falling clothes -consistent rolling rather than dropping from the of the drum
Unevenly water saturated in big loading tub 6 motion wetting the laundry with 108 rpm on every clothes swing(delicate)
Impossible to protect clothes by only one motion (tumbling) 6 motion-protect delicate clothes by gentle motion in the water -improvement of clothe damage & shrinkage rate
UGX1,540,000 UGX1,700,000
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